Citywide Vocational Discipleship Studies
The Charlotte Institute for Faith & Work is partnering with several organizations to offer
vocational discipleship studies across our city. Details and registration information are included below.
Please check back often as we will update this information as logistics are finalized by each organization.
Marketplace Ministry Matters
The Calling of Faith & Work
Sunday Mornings (8:30 - 9:30 am)
Sept 15 - Oct 20 (6-Week Study)
CIFW is partnering with churches and organizations to host vocational discipleship studies across Charlotte.
We will continue to add opportunities throughout the year. If you would like to partner with us to host a study in your church or organization, please email Ali Crotts.

Past Studies
Calling of Faith & Work
FDE Foundation Study
Spiritual Practices for Everyday Work
Reimagining Work: Connecting
Your Faith to Your Daily Work
Reimagining Work: Connecting
Your Faith to Your Daily Work
Faith and
Work 101:
Reimagining Work
CIFW is partnering with SEARCH Ministries for those beginning a faith journey.
Our friends at SEARCH are eager to walk with you to explore life’s big questions as
you take your next step toward God. For more information on joining a conversation,
please contact Steve Gardner.